Sunday, December 9, 2007

Ho Ho Ho!!!

We went Christmas shopping and came up with 6 more gifts for Kieran. He's such a spoiled child. It's our fault our kids are monsters. They aren't always monsters but they have their moments just like all kids.
It was really nice to get out of the house and Steff was really good in the stores. She cooperated and sat down when she was directed to. Sadie was super tired and kept leaning her head forward to go to sleep. But, when we got home she only slept for a few minutes.
We've done festive things today, Ryan even put the Christmas lights on the house. He does such a great job at everything he does and the lights are no exception...
Steff hasn't done anything too rotten today. No spilled soda, dumped sugar or diapers flung all over the house...It's been a good day.
Sadie has been sort of emotional today but still very happy. She has been really babbling a lot today and as I've said before it's a treat.

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