Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I Have Gotten Christmas Cards

As you can see from the headline, I have received Christmas cards and it's only the 5th...I have 3 so far, so maybe we'll pass up the usual 5 we get each year. I hope so, I'm thinking sending out a total of 56 cards and getting 5 in return isn't great odds. It's not like they don't have our address and therefore can't send one. So, what's the deal? I'm just kidding...I don't send them to get them. I send them so those people in our lives that don't have the chance to hear the details can get a greeting and an overview of our year.

The kids were stinkers last night. With Steff and Kieran pestering each other and Sadie chasing them all over the house. It was a crazy night and bedtime came early.
Bedtime....the dreaded time of the day with Steff....She screams. Oh...does she scream. I can't figure her out...She wants me to read a bedtime, I do and all heck breaks loose when I'm done. I have to tell her to get back to bed 10 or so times and I have to chase her back into her room a good 5 times before she settles on the floor in the hallway, right in front of her door or she'll cop a squat in the kitchen. Which is right next to her bedroom. I wish the bedtime routine with her would go back to being easy like it was a couple of months ago...

Sadie does the sign for "no," it's the cutest thing. She doesn't do it exactly right but each time she stands up to the tv, we call her name, she turns and looks and does the sign for no. She knows what she is doing is a no-no but she's a kid so she has to test her limits...Other than that little trick she's an angel. I don't know what else to say, it seems like there's never anything to say about her because she's always so good. I feel like all I say is that she wandered around and played....

Kieran was off his meds for a few days and boy did my mom and I notice a difference in his attitude. He was much more agitated than he usually is and he was also more mouthy. I thought I was gonna lose it with him, but, I kept telling myself that this isn't how he usually is and that he'd be back to normal soon. He even managed to get a pink slip for throwing a snow ball at school.
Do you believe that? He got a major disciplinary action for throwing a stinking snow ball...I didn't have much to say in the way of discipline from my point of view because I thought it was absolutely ridiculous. I did tell him that just because someone throws one at him doesn't mean he needs to throw one back. He apparently got the point because the next day at school another girl threw one at him and he just ignored her and didn't send one back at her. I'm glad he got the idea and understood the consequences aren't worth the action but I still think getting in major trouble over it was stupid.
It's not just the snowball thing with his school. They can't even ride their bikes to school anymore. I can understand no scooters or rollerblades, but bikes? How dumb is that? Rules in schools have gotten a little on the extreme side and they are robbing our kids of their innocence and youth. It's no wonder they figure out what sex and drugs are earlier, there's nothing else for them to do. They have to use their imagination and unfortunately, Satan prays on the imagination a lot.

I read something one time that was cool. "Even Satan believes in God." How's that for an eye opener? I also like the one that says, "If you're livin like there ain't no God, you'd better be right." Is is really so horrible to believe in something that brings hope, peace and joy to our lives? That's my question for all the atheists in the world. Why not? What is it going to hurt? If you're wrong at least you lived your life like a person with love and compassion and people will remember that about you. If you're wrong, then so what...? You're not going to go to hell if there is no heaven...
I'll get off my religious soap box now...

Back to my life. This morning has been a challenge, Steff has been into the toilet, the bread, the crackers and the left over soda on the counter. As you can imagine, she made a mess with all of them. The worst so far is the soda she spilled on the kitchen floor that now works like glue to anything that comes in contact with it. And, I can't get it to clean up and stop being sticky.
Oh...and then there's the lotion, the lotion I used to like the smell of until, my two and half year old got into it so much that now it stinks to me. It actually makes me nauseous and gives me a headache when I smell it. I need to just throw it out and get rid of the problem all together.

Ryan is so hard to wake up. I am so sick of trying to get him out of bed. I have been trying to get him out of bed for 15 minutes now and I don't see the end of this battle. His mom says he's always been this way but I think he uses that as an excuse to stay in bed as long as he possibly can. I dread getting him up. I'd just as soon let him sleep his day away. Then maybe he'd learn to get out of bed the first time I came in to get him...I doubt it because I've tried it and all he does is call himself a POS and yet continue the action that makes him feel that way. And, he says I'm insane because I don't learn from my mistakes...sounds like he has the same insanity issue...I guess I'll go try a few more times and then try to get the sticky spot off my kitchen floor...

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