Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Up For The Day

It's almost 7 and I've been up for an hour after a long night and lots of wake ups. I'm feeling exhausted. Today is also grocery day so it's going to be a long day. The only good thing is that I will get my Ultram filled today. They are non-narcotic pain killers and they're little miracle pills. They get rid of the pain without the side affects of narcotic type pain killers. You know, tired, dizzy the whole gambit. They are nice, I'd recommend them for anyone who has chronic pain. Cuz folks, let's face it, I have chronic pain...Nothing sounds like such a death sentence as hearing yourself say you suffer from "chronic pain," Yuck.
Steff is up and being very difficult this morning. I've had to cover her up with her blanket a half a dozen times. I think it's about time she learned how to do that herself...what do you think? I know you agree with me. She's such a spoiled little child, all my kids are. Don't get me wrong we are fairly strict parents and we restrict what they are allowed to do and it will get worse as they get older and the temptations get greater but, they are spoiled. We do a lot of things for them. A lot of things they should be doing for themselves.
Kieran probably didn't get a very good night of sleep...he slept by the dog and each time I woke up he was whining to get out. So, the poor kid's gonna wanna sleep in his own bed tonight.
Right now Rex is in a playful mood. He's tearing up the newspaper in his pen and playing with his toys. I like it when he's like this but I like the little lap puppy much better. Okay, now he's barking...Not sure what at, but he is. Little stinker. Good thing Kieran gets up in fifteen minutes. Then I can check to see if he pottied on his paper and if he has he can come out and roam around and play in the living room but for now, I think I'd be rotten if I went and flipped on the light to see, with Kieran in there asleep and all.
Ryan said he had a long night at work and that he just felt stiff all night. I told him that I completely understood and that I sympathized with him. I do feel bad when he says he feels that way. I wish I could make him feel nice and good but I can't and it makes it hard. When you love someone this much it hurts you when they hurt. But, there is nothing I can do for him and I share my pain meds with him when he needs them but when they are gone, they are gone...And, let's face it folks, the Ultram doesn't last forever. I wish it did but it doesn't.
I'm feeling quite beat up this morning but I'm sure it's because it was a rough night. I already blogged about some of the events when I was up at 3:45am because Ryan thought it was social hour at that beautiful time. Butt head...I love seeing him when he comes home but some nights it's very hard to fall back to sleep. I have to take one Ambien before bed and then another in the middle of the night. They usually don't last much longer than a couple of hours so if I get a couple hours of sleep I feel good but last night when I took the second one I didn't get that couple of hours of sleep that they require to wear off so here I sit, feeling exhausted...but that's only the half of it. You see, if I don't get a good night of sleep my body feels it. I need that re coupe session for the sake of my back....Or else, it's a pain day.
I read something the other day about pain ravaged bodies and how to look forward to the Everafter...I really do look forward to the days and nights and eternity when my body doesn't feel the car accident and the babies I carried anymore. Those will be the good times....
I did get another injection into my other hip the other day and thus, I have no pain in my hips, it's just my back. After that car accident I was in I haven't been the same since. I get very tense muscles that muscle relaxers don't touch and that massage therapy appointments are too expensive to get. I know it should be the responsibility of the other driver's insurance but I'm not sure how to get appointments where they pay for it. The last time I went to a massage therapist and the Chiropractor was right before Sean died but since I have just been in to see Dr. E. and get back adjustments from him. My insurance covers most of the cost when I have him do it but they wouldn't if I went and saw a Chiropractor. Sounds like garbage to me but that's just the way it works.
Steff is laughing and playing with Rex now. I didn't get him out but he's barking and jumping at her and she is laughing and loving it. It's actually quite cute. She just told me, "funny." Boy, is he barking up a storm and all the while she is laughing like mad. It's great, I wish it wasn't this early but it's cute none-the-less.

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