Tuesday, January 1, 2008

It's Been A Mellow Morning

It's been one of those mellow yet demanding mornings. Steff has had me chasing things down...like her juice, her blanket, getting her a bowl of cereal and changing the channel to what shows she wants to watch each time one gets over. We've played the "On Demand" game a few times already.
Ryan has started his decent in to darkness. He stayed up til 2am last night trying to get used to being up late so when he goes back to work he's not exhausted that whole first week. He'll stay up late again tonight since tomorrow is back to business. To be honest, having him home has been a lot nicer than I thought it would be. I thought I'd be ready to send him back to work after two days or worse yet, kill him. But, that is not the case, I have certainly enjoyed having him home.
I also learned something over this break...I wish he could work days. It was nice the two days that he went in during the day to have him leave in the morning and come home in the evening and I did it all without any help from my mom. She was at work one day and nursing her eyes the next. So, as I have come to figure out quite well, I do not need her and she can move out now......
Sadie has been up to business as usual. She ate a bottle and pooped. Each and every morning we do this same routine. What's she going to do when I take the bottle away? She's such a good little peanut. I have no complaints when it comes to her temperament. Now, I do wish she'd stand, walk or talk but other than those wishes I have no demands as a mother. Hehehe Can you hear the sarcasm in my typing?
Steff is being pretty good-right now. She's just watching television and being docile. She's usually pretty docile in the morning but she does have her usual demands. She at least greets me with "it's a sunny day" every morning before she starts in on her wants. She always asks for something to eat. Sometimes it's a bowl of cereal and sometimes it's oatmeal. She always asks for me to get her blanket and cover her up and she always wants Sprout. I cannot watch my news in the morning with her up. Never, no way...
Steff did do something out of character or maybe Ryan and I found a way to get her to let us watch a show we want. We told her that it was a "mommy, daddy show" and she stopped throwing her fit and let us watch something. I don't even remember what it was but I know how we figured out how to do that...We had unsuccessfully put her in her room to go to bed and she somehow made her way into the living room with her pillow and blanket and decided that was were she was falling asleep. Well, Ryan and I were watching a movie and she wanted Sprout but we told her that it was time for a "mommy, daddy movie" and she said something to the effect of repeating the desire and she laid down and went to sleep. So, we tried it again and it worked...I know this won't work for long but at least we'll get a few good shows in...
I'm feeling a little sore this morning. I can't be sure why or why the Ultram isn't working but I don't feel too hot. I feel more like I have shoveled a foot of snow and my back has ceased up. I also have bone pain. I have, however, had zero right hip pain. I got an injection in that hip a couple of weeks ago and I have had no pain in it since. Now, the other hip is a different story but my right hip feels great! I know, you're thinking why only one hip??? Well, I had never had an injection in my hips and I was afraid it would cause more pain so we (me and doc E) decided to try it in one hip and see how I like it. I love it! is the answer to that question and I am going to be making yet, another doctors appointment so I can go in for my other hip to be injected. I can't get any relief in my back but why have sore hips?
The girls are playing and being cute. Steff is playing with the tracks to the train Ryan found in the attic yesterday and Sadie is watching television and spitting like a llama. I am trying to keep myself busy while I wait for time to tick by. I'm letting Ryan catch his full 8 hours of sleep and I have less than five minutes to go before I can go wake him up.
Today is grocery day and with the pain I'm feeling I'm not looking forward to it but it has to be done. We don't have much to get but we still have to do it. I know Ryan is going to be hating it as much as I am since he has had upper back pain for the last week. I know he thinks I'm sick of hearing him talk about it but really I feel bad that he hurts. I know what it's like to hurt and I feel for him. I wish I could take it away or make him feel better but I can't. I try to do all that I can for him...
I just realized I haven't blogged about Mr. Kieran but that's because he went to Marla's last night so he hasn't been up to anything at our house. I have checked on Princess and she's doing well, her tank is at the perfect temp and she greeted me at the side when I turned on her light. I will be checking on her again in a short while to make sure she doesn't need any heat.
Well, I can wake Ryan up now and the grocery store adventure will begin...

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