Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Just Things About Today

It's been an interesting and busy morning for me. I woke up at 7am only to call my mom and wake her up. She was suppost to call me at 7 and wake me up but she slept through the call time. So, I did the calling. Kieran was getting ready for school and Steff was watching tv. Sadie was patiently waiting to be taken out of her crib. So, I had the girls up and watching television and Kieran going off to school. Not a bad moment.
Then at 8:30 Rex had an appointment at the groomers so I had to wake Ryan up to come and watch the girls while I ran him down to Petco. When I got there the guy told me he'd only take a half an hour but Ryan needed to go back to bed. He went back to bed when I got home and Steff shortly followed with the whole going to sleep thing. Which was good because when I went to get Rex I didn't get Ryan back up, I just went in and told him that Steff was asleep and Sadie was watching tv. He stayed in bed with the door open so he could hear any crying and get up to see what was going on.
When I finally got home from picking up Rex, Sadie was still in the exact same spot as when I left. She was standing on the cushion less couch and jumping. I know what you're thinking...I left her on the couch!!! But you have to understand that the couch had no cushions and therefore she can climb up and down with ease and not fall. She loves to stand on the couch and she knows how to get down when it does have the cushions on it. It's pretty cute to see her turn around and lower her little feet down to the ground.
I'm feeling pretty good, very little pain. I slept wrong the other day while I was holding Rex and it hurt the middle of my back so that's the only place that's really uncomfortable. I have been doing really well lately but I believe it's because I've had Ultram's. Little miracle pills is what Ryan and I call them. They work so well and you don't get that narcotic feeling. It's wonderful...

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