Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Day Is Winding Down

This day is winding down. Kieran and Sadie have gone off to bed so all that are left are me and Steffanie. Steff is watching shows on the television and eating snacks and I'm hoping she gets tired soon. I doubt it but maybe.
Today has been a good day. It wasn't the most productive day but things did get done. I took the kids to the dollar store and spent a lot more money than I should have but that's a bridge I'll cross once Ryan becomes cross with me about it. I hate it when he feels that way and I'm planning on getting therapy so that part of my life will be my next challenge to correct. I need to grow up a lot in some ways and in others I need to get in touch with my inner child. It's a never ending cycle. I just want to learn the life skills on how to be a more responsible adult. Plus, it would make Ryan very happy.
The kids did good today, nothing big to report. Dr.E changed Kieran's meds again and upped the dose on one of them but I think this will work better.

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