Wednesday, September 5, 2007

We had a GREAT DAY!!!

I know I just blogged but we had a great day!!! Kieran was cooperative, Steffanie was happy and Sadie layed on the floor and played. It was absolutely amazing.
Let me rave on about how wonderful yesterday was since it doesn't happen often. I still can't believe that Steffanie was happy most of the day. Don't get me wrong she still had a few fits but for the most part she was happy and cooperative. She took a nice three hour nap and when she woke up she was sweet and cute. She nicely asked for the things she wanted instead of whining or throwing a fit when I didn't get her something fast enough. She didn't act two at all.
Sadie was equally impressive. She is usually a happy and content baby but she does get bored with things and requires new surroundings (like playing on the floor, being in her bouncer, playing in her exersaucer). Yesterday, she simply just played on the floor. She crawled around and chewed on this toy or that one but she never acted bored. I actually almost forgot about her she was so quiet and happy. And, she only had her usually catnap in her bouncer and one short nap too. Maybe she was just too tired to complain and whimper for more?
Kieran was wonderful too. He was such a good and cooperative kid. He received a ticket at school for staying on task. I guess they go into a drawing for Friday in which they can receive prizes. He didn't mess with Steffanie much and he read his book almost all night. He's not a big reader so having him reading was excellent. His gram and I wish he would get into reading because he has the imagination for it and we really think he'd like it. Maybe times are changing?
Ryan and I had a sweet day. The kids and I took him a Starbucks coffee to his work. On the way home we stopped at 7-eleven and got him a frappucino and some candy then we took them back and put them in his truck as a nice surprise. He thought it was wonderful and sweet. I love doing wonderful and romantic things for him. He always appreciates it.
When we got home from seeing daddy all the kids went agreeably to bed. I followed shortly so I could get up early and spend some time alone in the morning. That's what I'm doing now. I'm enjoying my first of many cups of coffee and expressing my happy feelings about a great day.
Now I've documented a good day and I can go back and read about the good days instead of feeling exhausted and hopeless that the whining and complaining will never stop. Don't get me wrong I love my children and being a stay at home mom is a true blessing but let's face it; the rewards are in the long run and the pay is in kisses and tears. There was a survey done in which they (who is "they" anyway) figured out how many jobs a mother has and how much money she'd make a year. It was 10 jobs and about $180,000.00 a year. That's is insulting to me. Here is my reasoning...If we have 10 jobs then we're only making $18,000.00 a year per job. I don't know about all the other parents in the world but I'm a nurse, a psychiatrist, a chef, housekeeper, and the list goes on. I know nurses make more than $18,000 and so does a psychiatrist. Now, do you see why it's insulting to me? A parent's job is priceless. So, if you are a parent of young children or have successfully raised children you should feel good about yourself always. We are a hand selected bunch and God has the big picture in mind for us all. I know even on the days when I have one last nerve and my children are swinging from it I will one day be glad that I was blessed enough to have a husband that worked hard to support his family so I could stay home and raise our children. I also know one day my children will love and appreciate all the sacrifices that were made on their behalf. Hang in there ladies and gents it's a long road but what better gift can you give your kids and society?

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