Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Labor Day Weekend

What a weekend this Labor Day brought for our family...coupled with the unofficial end of summer and that continues keeping us crazy. Oh, do let me explain. Keep in mind we have 3 kids and they're still young. One has to put their two cents in whenever possible, one wines all the time and the other thinks she needs to be held...We were feeling brave and decided to try and visit my dad and step-mom up at Memorial Park where they were camping. All we ended up doing was waiting for them to come back from wherever they meandered off to. Of course it was to no avail. While we waited Steffanie fell in the river (fully clothed) and Kieran shot his b-b gun way to close to dad and Steff (yeah, he got in trouble for that one) and Sadie was tired and wanted a nap so she wasn't her usual content self. Ryan and I fought about who's responsibility it was to make sure we were prepared and had towels and nourishment. Never did come up with the responsible party and the argument didn't last long, about as long as it took to type this sentence actually. But, when you argue as little as we do even a momentous occurrence is a big thing. To keep a positive attitude, it was a nice drive. This was Sunday. After that we just spent the rest of the day hanging out as a family and other non important dilly dallying.
Monday was much more exciting...Ryan, Kieran and I went golfing with Sherm and Diane at Schneiter's Bluff. It was hot, damn HOT!!! We all sweated profusely and experienced some form of exhaustion associated with dehydration. But, it was fun none-the-less. Kieran did really well and earned a couple bucks making some putts. Ryan even earned a five spot making this putt up a hill and right into the cup. It was truly beautiful. I did okay, still really new to the game and that gives me a slight disadvantage but I played well for me. Almost immediately after we got home we left to go have dinner at Marcus & Anne's house. It was fun but Steffanie hadn't had a nap and was a bit on the devilish side. She was a little better after she ate some dinner, but the horns shortly popped right back out. At the bar-b-que we had fillet Mignon and salad and bread and watermelon and baked potatoes and corn on the cob. All the summer table staples...it was wonderful. We were even blessed enough to have Grandmother Ogan give us some wonderful bread and steaks to take home. We're looking forward to grilling those. Maybe next weekend we can have a repeat of that great dinner at home or at least before it's too cool out to use the grill. Thank you Flora!!!
Once we came home daddy finished mowing the lawn and I played mommy. Kieran went off to play with friends and enjoy his last long summer day before the cold starts coming in and the days get shorter. It's been a long summer and it's been a hot one with Utah reaching, tying, and breaking all time high temps. I've enjoyed having all three kids under my roof day in and day out. Did you hear the sarcasm? Actually, it wasn't bad at all. Kieran and Steff managed to let me keep some of my hair and Sadie reached some major milestones.
I should be starting on my Christmas letter here in a couple of weeks so as not to bore anyone to death with it, yet I want to make sure I get all the highlights in. This year has been a mellow one, praise to the Lord.
I hope you enjoyed reading about our holiday weekend and that yours was one to be remembered. With this being the last summer holiday I want to let you all know you mean the world to me and my family. Thank you for all you do, and for all the thoughts and prayers we know are said in our name. We have been blessed in many ways and we have you all to thank for being a part of those blessings. I'll stop getting too sentimental, I just wanted to give you all a shout out for being blessings in our lives.

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