Thursday, August 30, 2007

More Early Morning Ramblings

Okay, at it again, up at 4 in the morning. Hey, I'm learning one can get a lot of quiet things done at this crazy hour even when you feel drained all day long. I figure the time alone and the peace and quiet aren't so bad.
Kieran is doing well, he reports that he loves school. He had this assignment that I believe was more fit to a fifth graders parents than to a fifth grader themselves. Let me give you a sneak peak into this assignment. It was a scavenger hunt and when he told me that was his homework I was excited, fun is what I thought. That was til I was running to Walmart to buy a "post card from a National Monument." Trying to find something with a small flag on it and a patent. You think patents are easy to come by until you need one. I about sent him to school with the small tv in his room that's how desperate I was. He didn't even know what a patent was. Other items included were a library card, a pin, membership card, rule book or badge from the boy or girl scouts, a picture of George W Bush (I don't know about you but we don't just have a picture of good ole George laying around our house, thank God for the internet), a picture of Uncle Sam (again, ode to the internet) and so on the list went with Social Studies topics. Then to top it all off she told them to go to their neighbors for these items! Well, in this sick world we live in with all the violation against children I wasn't about to send him door to door. No way!!! I also told her so in a letter. I made it clear she was out of her mind to even suggest I put my child's safety at risk and I asked her to suit her assignments more to fifth graders than to their parents. I was a bit rude but she was dumb enough to suggest I put his safety at risk. So, if you're wondering if I (and yes, I said "I")got it done...well, no I didn't but darn close. He still has until Friday to turn it in and we only need 2 items: the library card and a boy or girl scout pin, badge, membership card or rule book. His gram has the library card, so I'll be taking a trip to Clearfield for that and Ryan believes his mom still has his boy scout uniform so I'll be taking a trip to Roy for that. I sure hope I get some kind of extra credit for doing this assignment even if it is the satisfaction that Kieran got a piece of candy on my behalf.
Steffanie had a good, fairly whine free day yesterday, it was almost amazing. It was pretty wonderful though now that I think of it. She is talking so much. She grabbed her chin, said "Hmmm" then stuck her finger in the air as if to give that signal like a light bulb going off and said, "I have an idea." Then she said something about making a house. Ryan and I died laughing all six times that she did it. She sings all the time and knows such classics as Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, the alphabet song, parts of Row, Row, Row Your Boat, Sing, Sing a Song and others. It's just too early in the morning to recall. It takes a while for my engine to get going. She really is a darling and wonderful little girl she's just going through that really whinny stage that two year olds experience. I can't say I blame her, she's the middle of three. That's grounds for competition and she has to get her share of attention somehow. She cracks us up on a daily basis with her little comments or actions. I cannot express how adored she is, how much they all are.
Sadie is still crawling and yes, she's trying to pull herself to a standing position now. We haven't had any falls but she doesn't get up far either yet. She still takes a cat nap in the morning in her bouncer, no matter how much I try to get her to do it in her bed. Then she wakes up for food and play time. She plays by herself pretty well but she needs someone in the room with her, she likes people. She also has been enjoying being a held a lot these days and she'll crawl to you to let you know that she wants you to pick her up. We've started trying to teach her sign language with such words as "no," and "more." We taught Steff "more" cuz she wouldn't talk and we wanted to know if she wanted more food or to get down. She picked it up quick and we're hoping for the same with Sadie. I recently finished and am mailing a card that I made to Sprout for her birthday. The tv channel for toddlers(I've mentioned it in previous postings) has a show called The Birthday Show in which they show homemade cards that have been submitted by parents or relatives of the birthday boy or girl. The down side is that they don't show all the cards but I figured I gave it a good shot with Steff so I had to do it for Sadie. The card turned out well, it was simple but well done. I'll let you know if we get it on the air...but that's not until after Oct 18th.
Ryan has been well, as usual, with nothing really new to report. He'll be going in early today so he can work a 14 hour shift in preparation for Labor Day. If he works his overtime and gets it out of the way then he can have the weekend to enjoy. He'll be off Friday, work Saturday and have Sunday and Monday off. I'm excited to have him home for so many days.
I'm doing good, my bursitis hasn't been flaring up too bad and I should be over this gasteral intestinal virus soon. Boy, I do sound good don't I? Ha! But seriously, things are well. Just doing the usual and being happy with my life. I have really enjoyed my children and their antics lately. Kieran is loving and helpful, Steffanie is talkative and funny, and Sadie is busy and sweet. What more could a mother ask for?

As for the family as a whole, we have all, with the exception of Sadie had a the afore mentioned virus with it lasting longer in some and going by quick in others. We don't have any plans as a family for Labor Day but Ryan and I will be going golfing with his dad. We're both looking forward to spending the time together and getting out away from the house and sad to say it, but our kids for a few hours.

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