Sunday, August 26, 2007


She did it, she picked her belly up off the floor and crawled! Sadie can finally get around, and she does is on her knees. It is so cute and her knees are beginning the callous stage so that makes them red and irritated. Poor girl, it's got to hurt at least a little. We are proud parents and glad she did it but to be a little honest I thought she was gonna look like a little wounded army baby til she picked up and walked. She's now crawling to things and trying to pull up to them so now we're in for a whole new set of tears as she tries and falls on her little face. Something else our little peanut does is fall asleep in her jumper it's the cutest thing. I thought I had a picture of her snoozing in it but I don't, sorry.
I'm up at 4:30 in the morning typing this because I cannot sleep but I figured this would be good entertainment until the kids start waking up. Besides what better to do this early? Any suggestions please email me at because this is a regular occurance and I run out of quiet things to do. One can only play so much Mahjongg...But hey the coffee's on and I should be wired and ready to play in about an hour, 4 cups and half a pack of smokes. I'm kidding on the half a pack of smokes thing but it will be a few.
The rest of the family is doing good with nothing really new to report for anyone. Kieran's still argumentative and 10, if you have a ten year old or you've had one at some point in your life you know what I mean when I simply list his age. If you haven't had one and want the scoop send me an email, I'll fill ya in.
Steffanie is a parrot and into Chitty Chitty Bang Bang these days so I'm going insane listening to such classics as the tittle song itself, The Old Bambo, Posh, Posh Traveling Life and so on and on and on and on it all goes. Sometimes I'd like to get off this ride. But Steffanie does her whinny two year old thing with great charisma and she's a pro too. I can't wait to move from one two year old right into another one. Did ya hear the sarcasm in my voice? It was there I promise.
Ryan is good, his body's been aching a little but I think it's age and that our bodies are completely out of shape. I know how he feels though and I empathize completely. I've never finished my therapy for my car accident so I live in the same pain I believe he talks about.
I never finished because I was suppost to start physical therapy and Sean died so we added Kieran to our house full time. He lived mostly with his dad when he was alive so having him full time required me to put therapy aside for the time and find a groove for our family, then Sadie was born. We have a groove now so it's all about procrastination at this point. I still need to get Kieran and I to the dentist and get him another appointment with his psychologist too. I'm sure Marla (that's Sean mom and she's been such a great friend and mother to me-thanks Marla)will somehow get my butt into gear with getting my business taken care of. She has this gentle yet very good way of reading me and getting me to so the things I need to get done, done. I tried to call on Friday several times but the dentist is closed on Fridays and the other doc wouldn't answer his phone.
So now you've read the ramblings of a sleep deprived mother of three, do you feel a little better about your state of insanity?

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