Monday, August 13, 2007

Let's try this again...I just deleted everything I wrote. I don't know how long this will be since my daughters are waking up and that means it's time to start my day.
Kieran had a great weekend...he went to Cherry Hill on Saturday with his grandma and cousins. It was their end of summer bash. They had Kentucky Fried Chicken for dinner and watched a movie too. Their grandma(Kieran's dad's mom) is such a doting and fun grandma and she can keep up with the kids better than any one I can recall. He's looking forward to school which starts on Aug 22nd. He's going into the 5th grade and I'm a young mom but he's starting to date me. Soon he'll be in junior high and then I'll start feeling old.
Steff has been a little stinker lately. She runs in the back door and out the front door before you can get in and try to side track her into something else. She really loves to be outside and play. She scares us, especially with all the kids that get ran over by their own parents. We try to keep the front door locked cuz she generally can't get out the back. She has also been saying some funny things. She tells her dad, "that's right daddy." We have to just laugh when she comes up with things like this. Yesterday I watched Madagascar at least 7 times and it's already on the tv today. She wanted to watch, "cartoons."
Sadie is so close to crawling! She gets up on her knees and either moves her legs or her arms but never together. Tonight we are going to their cousins first birthday party and he crawls so hopefully she'll see someone her size doing it and figure it out for herself. We've tried crawling to show her how and she doesn't get it so I'm really hoping someone her size can give her what she needs. Besides I'm sure we look mighty silly crawling around. I took her to the doctor on Friday and she weighed in at 18 pounds and was 26.4 inches tall. She is in the 5th percentile for her height and the 30th for her weight. So, she's short and chubby but all my babies where chubby little sqirts.
Ryan was a busy character yesterday. He mowed our 1/2acre lawn and shined all the faucets and get this, the vacuum. He put together a shelf for me and vacuumed the cracks and corners of the entire house. He's a busy man and he's so helpful. It will be good for our daughters to see their dad help with house work because then they will expect nothing less from their husbands.
I am doing well, still taking my meds and doing everything I can to keep up with my busy family. I love my life and wish everyone could have the oportunity to stay home and be a homemaker. I know our children will benefit greatly and that makes it all worth it.

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