Friday, August 10, 2007

Always a little crazy

So here I sit, crazy...Yeah it doesn't take much with a 10 year old boy, and 2 girls ages 27 months and 9 and 1/2 months...If there was ever a need to have meds I found it. I love my children but they keep me busy and you'd think that would keep me from having time to be crazy but it doesn't. So happens it works the other way around. Who knew? Let me tell you a little about my family, I'll try to keep it interesting just so you don't fall asleep.
First off I have a 10 year old boy, Kieran. He is just that, 10 and I thought 2 was bad but at this age he has a mind of his own and I wonder what in the world makes him think that way? He's my first and there are 7 years between him and his sister so he's been the "experimental child." I have no idea what I'm doing but he seems happy and healthy. I should mention that a year ago he lost his father to natural causes at the age of 34. He is doing well and grieving in a healthy way, we have him in therapy and his doctor says he's doing a good job at healing. Just recently he started calling my husband of three years "dad," which was very pleasing to me since he needs to feel a part of this family. In spite of everything he's dealing with he's an active guy, he loves sports and he's good at them too. He's also smart and funny with a very sweet heart and a love for his sisters that surpases anything I've ever seen before. He drives me crazy but so do his sisters, they just take turns doing it. And, once in a while they gang up on me. He's a handsome little guy with wavy, sandy blonde hair and green eyes and dark skin. His latest expression of autonomy is that he wanted his hair bleached. And we did it, it actually turned out good. It was just highlights but it looks good with his hair color. Next is a hair cut called a "fo-hawk" whatever in the world that means or looks like.
I have a 27 month old daughter, Steffanie, she is her age, 2 and she's smart. I know I sound like one of those parents who oogle over their perfect children. Trust me, by no means are they "perfect," perfect terrors at times and once in a day I have's called nap time. It's also my nap time. They wear me out. Back to Steff...She is a pistol if ever there were one. She loves to run around (literally) and play. She also likes to color and her new favorite movies are Cinderella 2 and Madagascar. If you know what a child her age is like then you know I watch one maybe both of these movies several.......times a day. She also likes to watch Sprout. Sprout is a PBS channel for toddlers which is great but they show the same six episodes of all the shows over and over. I understand that children her age find peace and safety in repitition but I have yet another reason to take my meds. It's said that tv is bad for kids but let me be honest and say she has learned a lot from watching tv. Including the dreaded monsters...I have to remind her that Elmo and Zoe are monsters and they are happy and not scary. She's a cute little girl with dark Italian skin, hazel eyes and curly dark hair. When you hear what my other daughter looks like you'll wonder if their from the same litter and they are...
Last but not least is our little peanut, Sadie. She was a month early and weighed in a whopping 4lbs 5oz. She was perfect, just little and we were able to take her home without any time in the NICU. We were blessed with that for sure. She is blonde (and I mean very blonde, bleach blonde) with dark blue eyes and very fair skin. She's a little sweet heart but she's not lazy or lethargic at all. She's just genuinely a very mellow, happy baby which is a far cry from the colic we had for the first 4 months of her life. She has 8 teeth and is so close to crawling that each time she gets on her knees I get excited that this might be the time she does it. She is a people person and loves to be held, she likes kisses and once in a while when you make the kissy sound she will open her mouth and come toward you to give you a kiss. She's a little one, she still wears 6month clothes, now you see where we get the name "peanut." She's the sweetest makes me want to go her and give her kisses all over.
I must now tell you about my world, my husband Ryan. He is the greatest guy. He's very even tempered and loving. He is also the best dad. I knew he'd be a great daddy but to see him in action just melts my heart. He is very playful with our kids and he shows them that he loves them and me. When he comes home from work he comes right to me and gives me attention before he ever gives our kids any. We both read that this was the best non-verbal way he could show them that I was important. I cannot begin to express how much in love with this man I am. I can explain what a great provider he is. He works overtime so that I can stay home with our three children and raise them with the love of a stay at home mom. He is the best blessing I have ever received, next to my salvation of course. He's loving and fair and he's a hard worker. He has the most excellent work ethic. He's a handy guy too with a drive that keeps him busy doing things around the house. There isn't anything he can't fix and if he gets stumped he asks for help. I love this man so very much.
That's pretty much the skinny on my famliy. From time to time I will be back to update you with the latest and greatest of my children. I'll try to keep it interesting and upbeat so as not to bore anyone to tears.

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