Saturday, November 10, 2007

Feeling Much Better Now

So, I feel much better now. Who would have thought that all I needed was my kids to take a nap and my husband to give me his undivided attention? And, all we did was talk. We talked about the work that we'd like to do on our house and the weather. Just regular, everyday conversation but it helped me feel alive and normal again.
I also expressed to Ryan that I need to get letters and cards and gifts outside of birthdays and holidays. He said he agreed and that he's never been very good at showing me he loves me. I did remind him that he brought me home a JD Machine hoody and beanie and that he's written me little love letters. (Which I have posted in places I can see them every day) He then mentioned that he'd made me a stainless steel pencil holder and we talked about how he does do things they just aren't romantic things-at least not from my point of view.

Right now Ryan is out working on the window and hanging out with Steffanie. They are so cute together-she is such a daddy's girl. Sadie is really starting to be a daddy's girl too. I love that they have such a hands on dad. He gives them the love they will need when they are older so they don't go looking for love in other places.

Kieran is out playing with the little jerk across the street again. I guess earlier this turd called Kieran a B*tch. Ryan and I talked and the next time he comes to my house I will be warning him that if I ever hear that he's said that word again, I will tell his parents. My son may cause problems with him but there is no reason for a nine year old to use such expletives. I also know that he's called Kieran the "F" word before and as I said there is definitely no reason to be using these words.
Now, can you see why I don't care for this kid?

I cannot express how much better I feel. I am back to appreciating everything I have and loving being a mom and a wife.
Ryan and I also talked about having a date night at least once a month. We never go on dates...we talk about it but it never happens. Part of the reason is because it's hard to find someone who is willing to watch all three of our kids at the same time. Honestly, there aren't many people we fill enjoy them all at the same time at least not with out us there. They are a wild bunch but Kieran really helps out so it kinda hurts my feelings that we can't ask everyone to watch them.
Hell, my dad and my stepmom would rather watch all three of my kids for a long period of time than watch my one nephew for a half hour. Pretty funny if you ask me.

1 comment:

Veronica Foale said...

Glad you are feeling better :)