Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Morning Ramblings

Steff is the first one of my children to get out of bed. She got up about 15 minutes ago and it's only 6:30...It's usually Sadie that is up this early. I don't mind, I like to start my day early...

I had a few beers last night and I feel great this morning. Ryan stated some concern about it and I agreed that I'd slow my roll and not drink for a while. Which is really going to be hard since the holidays are coming up and we'll be spending time with my family. They are drinkers...not lushes, they just have a few drinks now and then. I like it, it's kind of fun to sit back and have a beer with your family and know it's okay.

Ryan's family doesn't really drink. Some of the extended family his uncle and cousin and the like, but his immediate family doesn't...their religion doesn't believe in it. I understand it and I definitely respect it but sometimes it'd be fun to see his family with a nice healthy buzz.
I have to admit that they showed me you can have a great time without drinking. That's nice, and honestly, I really don't mind that they don't drink. We have an good time whether we're with my crazy family or his equally crazy family.

I wonder what today is going to be like? I have to take Kieran to see his psychologist and I need to run to the store for Thanksgiving vittles-which I'm not looking forward to...the stores are always a mad house the day before any holiday... Especially, one that has such a staple as food. Today is also the biggest travel day of the year so all the roads are going to mad with crazy drivers...I also have a doc appointment at 4...better leave early for that one.

There are few things I need to talk to Kieran's doc about; such as how he's been exhibiting some symptoms of rage lately. He's been throwing and kicking things and just all out getting angry. He also has been threatening to move out a lot. I thought he had it pretty good here, he doesn't have many chores and he's allowed to do a lot of things...I don't know what's going on in his head. Maybe it all has something to do with the holidays coming up and the fact that it's only the second year since his daddy died? All I know is that whatever I can do to help him, I will do.

Steff has been learning lately that naughty behavior gets you put in time out. And, she hates time out. She'll usually scream for quite a while before she catches on that she's not getting out until she mellows out. She's learning, slowly, but surely. It's nice to have her mind better and throw less fits when she doesn't get her way. She may be a little under-disciplined but she has good manners....she always says "please" and "thanks"-not "thank you," "thanks..." The other really cute one is when she says, "you're welcome." I have to laugh because she sounds so grown up when she says this.
Speaking of the things she says...she cracks everyone up with the way she talks and comes up with some of the oddest things to say. Her vocabulary is amazing for a two year. We get comments on how well she talks all the time.

Sadie has been good, she still cries about half the time when you leave the room and she doesn't want you to but, I read that it's a normal phase she's going through. This great book I have explains that she does it because she's learning she wants to be independent and she wants to be the one to leave the room-not you. The book explains this behavior is normal right before a baby starts to walk.
One thing we've noticed about Sadie is that she does everything on her own time. When she learned to sit up, we'd been practicing with her and she just wouldn't "get" it, then, one day she just sat...same thing with crawling, she just did it one day. There wasn't much preparation, she just took off one summer day and now we have to chase her all over the house. We think it will be the same with standing and walking too. I would bet she just stands one day and then one day she just takes off walking. But, there's no "teaching" her and she doesn't cooperate when you try. Like yesterday for instance, Ryan had her standing and he was supporting her with one finger and she was doing the rest and doing it well but the moment he moved his finger she plopped onto her little bum. Stubborn little stinker she is...

Ryan is looking forward to Thanksgiving but I'm sure it has more to do with not having to go to work than it does with the food. Matter of fact, I know this is the case. When he got home (at two am) we were talking about how much time he was going to be taking off. He said he was gonna take Friday off too. Which, I have to agree with. Hell, I'd like it if he'd take the whole weekend but he has a trip to save for so he needs the overtime.
Kinda funny that I'm sending him on vacation but in order for him to go he has to work lots of OT to afford it. I don't think he minds though. He's just excited to go. He was cute and sweet yesterday, he was saying that he's sure he'll be homesick. I don't want him to feel that way. I want him to have a great time and be happy to be away from it all. Then to top it off, he comes home and a week later he gets an entire week off for Christmas. He'll appreciate spending time with us after having that time away...

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