Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

It's turkey day!!! Yeah, we all have made it through another year. I know I sound premature saying we made it through another year but think of it this way....if you send out annual Christmas cards that contain the yearly letter of what has happened in your family, then you are literally wrapping up your year. As I've stated before, my Christmas cards are ready to go...Woohoo...I can't explain how great it feels to have those done...
But, again, it's Thanksgiving and with the tradition of Thanksgiving I should list the things I'm thankful for. I figured I could name the top ten and maybe a little narrative to go along with it.
Top 10 Things I'm Thankful For...(in no particular order)
1. That I can be a Christian...
2. That I'm free to practice my religion.
3. For this great country.
4. The men and women in uniform that defend this land.
5. My children...
6. My husband...
7. All the doctors and medical staff that have wisely treated my family.
8. My sanity, well, at times I'm grateful for this luxury.
9. My extended family and all they offer in the way of love and support...
10. I'm grateful to have a living relationship with God and the freedom to express that I do.
And I'll name one more for good measure because after all, 11 is my favorite number...
11. My life...
I know a lot of these go with old cliches but these are the most true to my heart.
Happy Thanksgiving America...

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