Saturday, November 3, 2007

Another Moment of Peace...

Here I sit and the only things I hear are the quiet hum of my computer and the shallow snoring of Steffanie.
I have another moment of peace...
Oh, how I long for these precious things.
Kieran is at my dad's playing with my little sisters(ages 10 and 12), and Sadie is laying down for her nap. I hope she stays quiet and just sleeps.

Some of the most precious things in my life are the one's that create the havoc. It's an oxymoron, like "Holy War."
Isn't life one oxymoron after another though?
If I had better knowledge I could really take this subject places but I'm just a little on the uneducated side of the fence.
Okay, so I'm the least educated out of all my siblings and in Ryan's family too.
Someday I will be able to further and finish my desires education.
As for now, I'm happy being slightly stupid.
I look forward to the days when I get the girls and Kieran up for a long day of school.
The main reason I can wait is because I'm not even sure what I want to be when I grow up.
I used to laugh that my ex-husband(also my friend) had dabbled in so many things but look at me now...still trying to figure it out.
I'll tell you if I could do anything in the world it would be a neuroscientist. I'd love to study the brain and how it works. I'd love to invent testing to figure out why people suffer from depression and what exact type of depression they are suffering from. I'd love to help pioneer the most accurate way to diagnose and treat something that can cause so much havoc on one's life.
That would be my great gift to the world and the bonus would be that I'd make a whole bunch of money.
Maybe someday...I'll just wallow in the beautiful life the Lord has chosen for me now. I'll wallow in pleasure but wallow none-the-less.

Hark!!! I hear the bellows of a one year old that doesn't want to nap. It's her nappy time so I'll let her bellow a little while longer and then I'll go get her if she doesn't give into the Sandman's please for sleep.
I don't like leaving my children to cry but sometimes they don't know what's best for themselves.
Just like the Lord testing us adults, because sometimes we don't know what's best for us. It's like that Garth Brookes song Unanswered Prayers. He wants that girl to be his so bad but when he sees her many years later he appreciates the wife and family he has and he's thankful that the Lord didn't grant his prayers to be with this woman.
Can you think of any unanswered prayers that have made your life better? I know I can think of a lot but I wouldn't call them unanswered...I'd say God said, "No." I believe the Lord answers all of our prayers. Sometimes He say "yes", sometimes "no", sometimes "maybe" and sometimes "later"...They are answered though.
Well, my daughters are up and dinner's just about finished so I better get on with the un-peace in my house.

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