Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Sleep Deprived Days

Yes, I'm up at 4 am again. The sad part is that I took half an Ambien and then Sadie decided it was time for her to get up. She's been up for an hour and I just layed her back down to bed. I know this all means that Ryan will need to sleep later because she's gonna cry to get back up.

The good thing is that she does give up and will eventually go to sleep.
Which is where I need to be and I'm feeling this Ambien take effect. Wew, am I gettin slow...

Last night was Kieran's last football game because unfortunately but thank God...they lost and it was single elimination. I hate to say I'm glad it's over cuz he loved it so much but it was cold and dark by the end of the game.
I was talking to another parent that feels the same way. You want them to play more but for your own sake you hope they lose.

After we got home from the game Steff decided she wanted to be a screamer. She didn't talk about anything, she screamed about it. My ears and my head had had enough by bedtime.
Sadie was her normal self, sweet and playful. I put her in her jumper to see if I could feed her but she wanted to jump.
Well, I'm gonna go lounge on my couch and hopefully catch an hour of ZZZ's.

1 comment:

Veronica Foale said...

I hope you get a nap soon :).

Good luck with the ads, I will click them for you.