Sunday, October 21, 2007

All Things Kids...

I forgot to blog about the school carnival that all the kids went to on Friday. You see, I had to donate some time for the PTA at Kieran's school and I convinced Ryan it would be good for Steff to go and experience all the kids and fun.
I was right, she had a great time. Ryan did a balloon race and won her a balloon which is her new favorite toy-well that, and everything Sadie got for her birthday. So she was carrying around a green balloon when my shift ended and I met up with Ryan again.
We then went and found Mady, Kieran and Sadie in the cafeteria. They were eating yummy Halloween type vittles.
We then went home and got ready for bed. It was a fun time and Ryan was happy that he had conceded to my request and went with. He said it was good for Steff to be around all the kids and fun.

I already blogged about the slow going of getting my house clean but I didn't mention my house hasn't been that clean since the last party we had. So I figure it will get clean about every six months, since Steff's birthday is in March and Sadie's is in October. I can handle a deep cleaning at Spring time and Fall time.

The party went well but we realized how small our house really is. We had close to 30 people crammed into our house. It was a tight fit but it forced everyone to be social with each other. Not that our families have ever had a hard time. They have always gotten along well. The only thing we did notice was Ryan's family was in the living room and my family was in the dinning room. That was completely unavoidable though since our house is built long and not wide. The two rooms connect so it wasn't like they were in two different parts of the house.
Sadie broke out in a fever during her party. She did okay but she wasn't happy. Poor girl. Lesson learned though; get immunizations after the big event and not before. We think it was the flu shot that sent her into a fever and feeling icky since she's had all the others before and she didn't react to them before. The flu shot was the only new thing. She didn't even want to eat her cake, she just wanted to be held.

I can't stress how nice it was to have my sister here over the weekend. She is welcome any time she wants to come. She has a girl friend that lives in the city we live so I wouldn't even mind if her friend came over to hang out while she was here.
She spent a lot of time on my computer but since it's so dangerous to let kids on these things without supervision I stayed right there and checked in on what she was doing. Not to mention Kieran was right there watching You Tube with her.

Kieran and Madysun both worked on their Christmas lists. I can't wait to see how Kieran's has evolved after being around a pre-teen...I'm sure his choices will be in a much more mature fashion.

1 comment:

Veronica Foale said...

I hope Sadie feels better soon.