Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Blogging For Sanity

I have decided this is where I come for sanity purposes. I come to blog so that I can express my feelings and just plain cope with this crazy family of mine. Today has been a rough day. Steff has been whining the whole day. Over simple things but mostly that she wants her blanket or that her nose is running....again....

It's official, they have successfully given me a headache. I have this headache that sits right above my eyebrows so I know it's a stress headache.

My new comforter came in the mail today. I think I like it but I cannot be sure. It's shades of brown and gold and cream colored stripes.

It's much later than it was when I started this blog and a couple things have changed but I still have my headache....I talked to Kieran's friend's mom about Kieran going over there to play after school tomorrow. I think I like that idea...the one of him having other friends to play with. He only plays with the kid across the street and he's a little stinker to put in nicely.

I just called my sister and brother in-law to let them know that Steff has been sick. I don't think it's from the flu shot cuz Ryan has said everyone has been sick at work and she got her immunization on Friday so I think it's too late for it to be a reaction. Ryan may be carrying something around and not even be feeling sick-yet...
So, here I am think that I'm telling them bad news that Maxton may get sick and she turns around and tells me that Max may have the chicken pox. I told her I didn't feel so bad calling after all. But hey, all kids should experience the chicken pox...
There are certain things that all humans should experience while they are growing up...the chicken pox being one, a crush on someone, a first love and hence the breakup...there's a whole list of things that we all need to have great and fond memories of, even if it's painful to deal with at the time.
Child birth is painful but us silly women let it happen over and over...I've done it three times over.

Kieran keeps bugging me to get on the computer and do this, that, or the other thing. He says he just wants to play games. I know he gets online to a lot of these kids websites and plays their demo type games and that's fine. I just don't look forward to the day when he wants to get on the computer to chat. There's too many sexual preditors out there.

Still have my headache-just a short update...It's in my neck now though...

Kieran and Steff are playing together. All the while Steff's nose is running....and Sadie is watching with this look like she wants to play but she doesn't know how...

My mom is downstairs again...she has another headache. She always has a headache and they are always debilitating. She acts like she's dying so I always tell her to go downstairs and relax. I wish she could understand that the more she shows me I don't need her the shorter the time she will live in my house is...The whole reason she lives here is to help me out. We had her move in so I would have help with my kids. But, if she is going to make herself useless then she will be just that to me...Can you tell this is a sore subject? I get sick of her being too sick to do anything. She lives in our basement and pays very little rent and eats whatever she wants and she can't even help me out half the time because she is just exhausted from work or she has another headache...Grrrr....she irritates me.

1 comment:

Veronica Foale said...

YAY a new comforter!

Hope the headache gets better :)