Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Still Excited

I'm still feeling excited and I think my children are too. They keep being naughty. My mom said she remembers the excitement being too much for my brother and I and we'd act worse around Christmas than any other time of the year. I think my kids are doing the same thing. Kieran has been super sensitive and thinks all the kids at school don't like him and Steff is being a super stinker. Sadie is the only one still acting normal but I just think she's too little to understand the presents. Yeah, Steff's a little young too, but she does know there are presents and she's always saying she wants to open them. It's like the tree went up and the kids went nuts...
Other than feeling like the days are dragging and Christmas will never come, I am doing well. Of course, I'm still taking my meds and that helps immensely. I think without them I'd go nuts. With Steff getting into every single thing and doing terrible two's things and Kieran being so sensitive. It's a no wonder I have to take a mood stabilizer.
My house has been staying clean and I'm looking forward to Christmas Eve. I have a rule that Santa doesn't come to a dirty house. It sure makes it easier to put all the new stuff away when the house has had a nice cleaning before the gifts get shredded open.
I have had my quota of coffee today but that's not going to stop me from drinking more. Remember my new mantra? Life's too short, stay awake for it...Sometimes I wonder if Ryan is right about the fact that I sleep like crap at night because I drink coffee all day long...I did start trying to not have coffee after 6pm just to test his theory that that's what is keeping me up. Of course, I just started it last night and I had a good night of sleep but I don't know if that's because I had less coffee or if it was all the sleeping medicine I took before bed? It could very well be both though. Who knows? I'll try anything to get more great nights of sleep...
I have been feeling alive and well. I haven't had many flair ups with my bursitis and my lower and middle back have been feeling great. I have been very careful about the things I do and how I sleep. Granted, I'm still sleeping on the couch and that doesn't help but it hasn't been bad at all. I can actually say I have moments throughout the day where I have no pain. No you know how great that is? When I can sit back and not feel stabbing or throbbing pain I almost remember what it was like to be younger again.
I'm pushing 30 and you'd think being a woman would make me feel depressed but I am actually excited. I won't be a young 20 something any more. I'm particularly excited for my birthday present...a Chihuahua...I get a new baby in my house. Yeah, the potting training is going to suck a lot but I will have my own personal lap dog to take everywhere I go. He's light brown and white and his name is Rexy. His mama's name is Roxy so I wanted to name him something close to hers. I know it's silly but having a little puppy when I still have two kids in diapers is silly too. I must be nuts. I will be potty training Steff at the same time I'm potty training Rexy. Oh, boy...

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