Friday, December 14, 2007

It's Cold Out There

I can't be sure what the temperature is but I'm thinking somewhere in the 20's. I'm a summer kind of girl. I'd rather sweat than freeze and lately all I've done is freeze, along with everyone else. I was wanting winter to come and, I was grateful when it finally arrived. I do after all, love the snow. I think it's beautiful and peaceful but I'm looking forward to Summer again. I've had enough of the cold. I don't know how someone can live in a place like, oh say, Alaska...I'd never make it.
On the other hand, I can't have Christmas without the snow and the cold. It just wouldn't feel right. So, here's my answer...I'm hoping God will agree and change the weather patterns-yeah right...I'm thinking it can snow from November through December and then we go into Spring...Not continue having icky cold until sometime in March...I know there's only one problem with my theory...This is a desert state and the only way we can have enough water to make it through our very hot and wonderful Summers is to have lots of snow and long winters.
I guess I'll just do what I do every with it...

On a Christmas note. It's only 11 days until the big event. I can't be sure why I'm excited other than I know Steff is going to get into the gift opening thing this year and Kieran is super excited. So, I'll have two of my beautiful children excited to open gifts on Christmas morning. Next year, Sadie should be into it a little more and she will be for sure the year after. The only bummer about the spacing of my children is that the girls will be getting into Christmas more and more and Kieran will be getting into it less and less. I wish I could have them all excited at the same time. Oh well, the only thing I can do is instill in Kieran a complete and everlasting excitement for Christmas.

Sadie and I are the only ones up right now and I suspect Steff will sleep a bit longer. She didn't go to bed until 11pm and she woke up around 3am, wanting daddy to read her a story and of course he went in and spent a few minutes with her. He loves his kids so much that he will give them attention any time he can...even in the middle of the night.

Kieran always wakes up in such a good mood but when he gets home from school he's in a different place. I ended up writing him a note to stay in from recess today. I know that might not have been the right thing to do but he caught me on the spot and I was rushed and not thinking right. I guess the good thing is that I'll be able to see if there is a difference in his attitude when he gets home. We'll see if he's feeling like everyone hates him or if he's at peace. I know I need to have a conversation with his teacher and after I finish this blog I will be emailing his teacher asking for a meeting with him. I need to get to the bottom of this...

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