Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Always A Little Crazy

Notice that the cushions are on the floor and the girls are jumping on the couch. No wonder I live my life on the brink of insanity.
Always a little crazy, is the story of my life. I feel nuts most of the time. I wonder if it's from having two small children and trying to give my ten year old what he needs while taking care of their needs or if maybe it's because I don't get a whole lot of adult interaction? It could be any number of things...I just know I'm crazy...

The girls are being good for the moment and the train is off......I just washed and dried my hair and it feels so refreshing. I may not be able to shower everyday but I do wash my hair regularly and that makes me feel nice and clean. I know, ew, she doesn't shower everyday...but, I do try to take a bath each day. Those I can take because Steff and Sadie come in the bathroom and play in the tub while I bathe. Then, of course, Steff takes a bath after I've emptied the tub and refilled it.

I'm going to start the decent into hell her in a minute. If you're wondering what I mean it's waking Ryan up. I hate waking him up. I hate it more than any of my other chores, including diapers. I could change poopy diapers all day if I never had to wake him up again. It's so hard to get him out of bed and the more I try the more he whines about how tired he is. Thing is, he whines about being tired even when he's gotten 8 hours of sleep. It could be ten hours and he'd still whine. I think once he hits 11 hours he starts to feel like a p.o.s. because he's slept most of his day away. There is not happy medium.

Don't get wrong, I look forward to Ryan being up. I legitimately enjoy my husband's company but it's the getting him out of bed that I don't like. If he would just get out of bed instead of taking at least 30 minutes it wouldn't both me at all to get him up but it does take that long and I hate it.

So, I just made my first attempt at getting Ryan up...and, I'm typing and not publishing because he wanted another half an hour because he didn't go to be until after 4am sometime. Like it's my fault that he doesn't go to bed at a decent hour. I have to put up with this crap every day. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. Trying to wake him up brings a lot of swear words to mind...I could have some very colorful language right about now but I will keep it clean. Just know, that I hate waking Ryan up everyday. I wish he were a self-starter but he's not so I'll spend the rest of my life fighting with him about getting out of bed.
I have been worrying about having a puppy in the house because of all the work they require but it just occurred to me that at least I'll have something to do. I doubt I'll be blogging quite as much as usual and I'm so excited to get my puppy. I can't even begin to put into words how excited I am to have a little cuddle bug and a lap dog. I have still been reading up on chihuahua puppies and how to take care of them.
Sadie just went from happy to pissed off in no time flat. I was typing one second and the next she's screaming like Steff is pestering her. I guess that's her clue to me that she's ready for a nap.
I got Ryan up, now, he's laying on the couch and only God knows how long he's going to lay there and sleep for.
I figured out how to get Ryan to wake about money. That's the only thing he can't handle sleeping through. He will wake up for money. Yep, he's up...I feel so much better. I like it when he gets right out of bed and is awake. I don't understand how he can be so tired after sleeping for at least 7 hours. I know it's because I wake right up and get moving so he seems in short, lazy to me. I know that's why I hate his sleeping habits. But, I figure it's not fair to everyone else to be a burden on others while I wake up. Granted, I take naps and burden others but figuring that out is half the battle. I guess I will be watching myself from now on. I didn't realize I was as bad as he is....oops.

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