Thursday, August 23, 2007

I'm back with more...
Kieran started school, quite successfully I may add. He came home in one peice. The night before school started he was very anxious and ornery but I think that was due to nerves more than not being happy about starting. He said he liked his teacher but the day was boring. He's still doing an excellent job with his chores he even loaded the dishwasher without asking.
Big news about Steffanie that I failed to mention in previous posts...she's off the binky. Yeah, I know she's two but we let her have it because of her little sister. This was a big day for us and it was a lot easier than we thought it would be. She only asked for it about 4 times in 3 days and we haven't heard a word since. She has been a stinker lately, she spilled the salt all over the kitchen and her bedroom and she's just been all around whinny and two-ish. We can no longer watch Madagascar because she picked up the terrible phrase, "shut up." She tells everyone, especially her baby sister to shut up-even when we are just talking or laughing. In spite of all her two-ish antics she's still funny and we have a good time with her. Today we were dancing and she'd say, "stop" so we'd have to stop until she started dancing again. She was telling her dad he was a, "winner" so I made the comment that we were raising a carnie. Ryan just laughed...
Sadie has just started comando crawling to people when she wants to be picked up and she still won't crawl. She has a johnny jump-up in which she will jump up and pick up her legs and just dangle while it bounces and swings. Or, she will jump so high in it that she's jumping out of it for a second. She's been such a joy in our lives. She's a very happy little girl, she just lays and crawls on the floor completely content. She has been eating a whole jar of food each time she eats and we mix it with rice cereal...she's a big eater.
Ryan has been doing well. He just had a meeting with the guy over the apprenticeship program at the OWATC. Ryan's the Apprenticeship Committee Chairman at work so he holds meetings for the members of the committee on each Thursday and he successfully updated the workbook for the program. I helped him with that a little so I can tell you it was quite a feet. Other than that he's been happy and enjoying his children as usual. He gets up every morning and sits on the sofa with Steff on one side and Sadie in his lap. They both get really excited to see him. Of course, so do I.
I am well, nothing new to report. Just trying to keep my wits about me while Steffanie runs around tearing up my house and Sadie does her thing and Kieran gripes about school and homework. I pray for strength a lot through out the day, the Lord keeps me going. I am looking for a part time job just to bring in a little extra cash. It would be nice to have a good Christmas this year.

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